How to Kill Your Darlings

Why are you in your field of business? If you know why you are doing the job, and who you’re serving, it’s easier to make bold decisions. If you have a vision, you know which ideas to kill. Most creative people, all business owners are creative and have loads of ideas. With a vision you can move on and focus on the path. 

Your job can be something that clicks with your values and fills you with joy because you love what you do. However, why do you do it?Why are you taking that path? What is the big picture?

Communicate Your Purpose

To find out what your purpose is, you could try to ask yourself some out-of-the-box questions. Find out more about yourself so you know which ideas and insights you should say no to:

Kill or Keep

Write down the answers and keep them in the back of your mind for a few days, then address them again. I’d like to know if these questions have helped you make some bold choices?

Now you have the answers to set against all your darling ideas. And find out which you can kill and which you can keep.

As a certified coach I know the importance of clarity, direction and purpose. If you want to grow a strong Online Identity, start with asking why, instead of how.

Wildheart Messages

Letter Made with Love


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