Mindful Zakelijk Interviewen in 5 Stappen

Een interview doen met je klanten of juist met je prospect klanten is super waardevol. Niet alleen krijg je de precieze woorden te horen waarmee ze de samenwerking, service en contact met jou beschrijven, wat marketingtechnisch heel interessant is. Het creëert ook meer diepte in de relatie. Je kan de inhoud van het gesprek gebruiken voor je marketing, voor je acquisitiestrategie en voor het verbreden of verdiepen van je aanbod. Maar hoe bouw je een goed interview op? Hier 5 tips van een oud-journalist, enthousiast copywriter en content coach.

Ik vertel je ook graag hoe je het interview materiaal kan gebruiken voor je marketing en acquisitie. Misschien zit er zelfs een bijzondere testimonial tussen. Schrijf je in voor de Letter Made with Love en ontvang gratis inzichten.


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Discover What Your Conscious Online Goal Could Be

Rebel Content helps you create an online identity. We simplify what content marketing is about. Telling engaging stories to other people. Nothing more, nothing less. So what’s your goal? Rebel Content focusses on how you can inspire somebody by trying to find out what they dream about. Not their needs, how they feel when they are truly happy. This is what you can do with your content. 

How content marketing can help:

Main Goal is Communication

Whatever the reason is, the main goal is communicating better and than selling more. Show you understand your customers pain. What you want is for people to come to you because they know you understand what they need.  

People want to be Heard 

The best marketing you can do is communicate their problems and address their fears with understanding, knowledge and consistency. The first to-do we advice our  clients is, pick up the phone and ask your customers some questions. Be prepared to learn from your clients. Your communication will skyrocket. 

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A Message to all Entrepreneurs: Content Marketing is a Love Story

Sometimes you forget that all you want to do is get the attention of people, people just like you. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, email, telephone, meetings, flyers, billboards, the list of places to ‘meet’ another person are endless. You try to sell your service by telling them what you do, and how you can help. But is that really what they want to know?

P for Passion

People love to hear how you got to the place you are now. They want to learn from you. They want to be intrigued by the path you took, the knowledge you have, the passion you show. People just want to fall in love with the drive you have for what you do. It doesn’t matter what you do, stand behind a bar in a café or create events, books, websites, hairdo’s or whatever. If you can make them fall in love with you, they will want to work with you no matter what. That’s the strength of a small business owner, the person behind the service or product is the catch.

Give a Vision

All this passion must come from somewhere. Needless to say, that you have passion for what you do. However, this drive should have a direction. Where is it taking you? Even more important, where are you taking your clients and customers? That is the real question. If you have a vision, you can also envision how your clients will feel. This is what you can market. The future perspective of what they will feel down the road. Give them glimpses of what could be, sell your dream and they will want to know more.

The Relationship Strategy

Coming back to Marketing being a Love Story. What you are doing with your content and content marketing is a marathon. A consistent plan of endurance and trust. A strategy that will build your confidence, corporate story and also your relationship with (prospect) clients and customers. Just like a real relationship you need to create room to flow with each other and see where it will take you. You will receive feedback, input, fans and hopefully build a community of loving followers. So how do you set up a strong Online Identity? Check out The Relationship Strategy.

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How to Use Your Hero’s Journey to Truly Engage

What was the biggest challenge in your career that brought you to where you are now? That’s in short your Heros’ Journey. How can you use your Hero’s Journey to create the perfect corporate story? I learned a bit more about this at The Speakers University by Andy Harrington last week in London. Andy shares stages with Bill Clinton, Richard Branson and Tony Robbins. So, he knows a thing or two about how to truly engage with an audience. Totally awesome insights and knowledge that I’d like to share a bit with you here.


The Hero’s Journey

Stories have always been the reason why people do or don’t do, for centuries. Joseph Campbell (1904 – 1987) our greatest mythologist and probably the best storyteller we know, designed The Hero’s Journey after studying myth’s and muses from all over the world. His methods have been translated in many forms, also for corporate use. Now you can also adapt these methods to create your own story and connect with your clients to offer a better service.


Corporate Storytelling

Within corporate storytelling it’s crucial to tell a personal challenge you went through, the journey you took to get you where you are now and the transformation it created within your life. This transformation is the starting point from where you deliver your service or product, your raisons d’être. Also the reason why prospect clients will want to work with you. The insight is to articulate what your values are, so you can help people relate and decide if they want to work with you.

If you want to know more about Corporate Storytelling subscribe to my Letter and I’ll keep you updated (no spam, only love).


Your Core Values

Your values are the principles to your mission, the ‘path’ leading you in your Hero’s Journey. My core values are Personal Development, Knowledge and Action. I can see that throughout my career these values have helped me to move forward to the place I am now. Helping others create beautiful stories and learning how to implement their core values in them. If what you’re aiming for is to help more clients to move forward with your service or product, the Hero’s Journey can help you.


New workshop soon

I’ll be giving a new workshop that dives deeper into storytelling and engagement. We’ll start creating your personal Hero’s Journey and help you communicate it to your target audience.

You will take away:

Yes, tell me more!

If you want to attend the workshop subscribe to my Letter and I’ll keep you updated (no spam, only love)

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Nieuw: Lessen van Banksy een Magische Marketeer

Sinds de begin jaren 90 houdt Banksy zijn identiteit verborgen. Er gaan verschillende namen rond, Robert Banks en Robin Gullingham, maar willen we het echt weten?Alleen al om die anonimiteit wil ik de Britse straatkunstenaar bestempelen tot magische marketeer. Eigenlijk gek dat een antikapitalistisch graffiti artist zo goed is in marketing. Wanneer hij ‘spreekt’ is het gevolg altijd politieke of maatschappelijke opschudding. De held. Zijn methodes zijn  stuk voor stuk marketingparels, strak aaneengeschakeld om zijn visie en missie te verkondigen. Maar wat kun je hiermee in je contentmarketing strategie?

Laat je mening horen

Als er iets is wat Banksy heeft dan is het een mening. Keihard komen zijn beelden en slogans binnen. Opstandigheid zit in zijn dna. Dat is knap. Nu wil ik niet beweren dat shock het gevoel is die jij je publiek mee moet geven. Maar hen tijdelijk laten stoppen en nadenken is al een prestatie op zich. Dat bereik je alleen door ergens voor te staan. Leg je bedrijfsvisie eens langs de Banksy-meetlat. Waar staat je bedrijf voor? Welk probleem in de wereld wil jij oplossen met je product of dienst? Hoe maak jij het verschil voor anderen? Zeg daar iets over in je online communicatie en durf een duidelijk standpunt in te nemen.

Zoek de grenzen op 

Grenzen zijn er om te overschrijden. Daar is Banksy ook van. Hij is natuurlijk graffiti artist wat voor velen hetzelfde is als vandalisme. Prachtig. Een anonieme vandalist. Daar haal je sowieso de kranten wel mee. Maar hij is niet zo maar een kunstenaar die beeld op muren spuit. Hij gaat ver. Inbreken in dierentuin om in de olifanten kooi op de muur te spuiten dat ‘het er saai is’ en ‘de verzorger stinkt’ of een pop gekleed in Guatanamo Bay-outfit in een achtbaan plaatsen. Fantastische pr-stunts. Toch? De achterliggende gedachte is dat hij ver gaat om een statement te maken. Hoe kan jij in jouw werkveld de grens opzoeken? Hoe kom je uit je comfortzone? Durf je datgene te doen wat je concurrenten nooit zouden doen. Wijd er een brainstorm aan en houd je bedrijfsvisie en missie goed voor ogen. Maak een statement.

Klopt je beeld met de tekst

Opvallen, opvallen, opvallen. Dat is wat iedereen natuurlijk wil die online probeert te marketen. Maar denk je dan ook na over wat je publiek wil zien? Zij beslissen uiteindelijk of ze je weg swipen of dat er gereageerd wordt. Banksy weet wat zijn publiek wil. Dat is zoeken naar die grote sjablonen op vergeten muurtjes in de stad. Sjablonen  met treffende teksten die impact hebben. Hoe gebruik jij je beeldmateriaal. Zit hier een verhaal in? Komt het overeen met de strategie die je uitzet voor je online content? Hoe verhoudt het beeld zich tot de tekst en vullen zij elkaar aan? Zal jouw publiek uit de tekst en beelden die je post morgen ook nog aan je denken? Of zijn ze je binnen een seconde weer vergeten? Veel vragen, wat zijn je antwoorden?

Ga samenwerken

Dismalland? Ja, de Banksy tegenhanger van Disneyland. De kunstenaar nodigde 60, eentje zei nee, collega kunstenaars uit en produceerde een tijdelijk attractiepark in Somerset Engeland. 36 dagen heeft het park geëxposeerd, 4000 kaarten konden er per dag verkocht worden voor 3 pond per stuk.  Een event heeft weinig met online marketing te maken, zou je denken. Maar kijk nog eens goed. Hij werkt samen met inspirerende collega kunstenaars, die allen een online aanwezigheid hebben. Daarnaast zijn alle uitverkoren bezoekers (schaarsheid is key) bewapend met camera’s en social-apps. De achterliggende gedachte hierbij is dat Dismaland in het verlengde ligt van Banksy’s visie. Het verlengde van zijn missie een maatschappelijke statement te maken. Zoek de gemenedeler in al je concepten, blogs, events of projecten. Sluit het aan bij je visie en wie kan je benaderen om het nog grootster te maken?

Geloof in je product

Dit spreekt natuurlijk voor zich maar mag nog wel even benadrukt worden. Heb duidelijk voor ogen wat je visie, missie en strategie is en ga er voor. Heb de volste vertrouwen in je product. Schreeuw het van de daken want jij hebt iets belangrijks te vertellen. Banksy is ongetwijfeld de meest iconisch en markante kunstenaar (of vandalist) van deze tijd. Daarom is hij zo’n prachtig voorbeeld van hoe het ook kan. Vanaf het begin had hij een duidelijke visie, het gaat niet om hem, het gaat om zijn kunst. Hij heeft iets te vertellen en wil dat aan zo veel mogelijk mensen kwijt. Hij is de moraalridder van de benadeelde wereld. Hij geeft hen een stem. En verdient als resultaat ook nog veel geld. Natuurlijk zijn z’n kustwerken meesterwerken, dat is de basis. Zie je product of dienst ook als meesterwerk en geloof in je merk en visie.



Wil je meer Banksy inspiratie? Je hebt nog een paar maanden de tijd. Hij  exposeert in Nederland tot mei 2018 het Mocomuseum Amsterdam.

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Free Workshop: Content Marketing is a Love Story

Are you called to inspire? A workshop for small business owners selling a service. Learn about The Purpose Map, a strategic tool designed by Rebel Content Company to create a better brand story. 

Your Story

Marketing in general is a powerful way to impact people. But how will you impact if your story isn’t meaningful? Your service is what you’re selling, however your story is what people are buying.

Be Bolder

Small businesses with no big marketing budgets backing them need to be smarter than the giants. You need to step up and start being a bit bolder. Only then your owned, earned and paid media will produce radical results. But, even more importantly you will grow a community.

This Will Help

This workshop will help you find the personal story within your business and teach you how to implement it in all your communication.

A Free Workshop to Get:

Workshop details:

When: Wednesday 14 February at 10:00 till 11:30 am
Where: Highway to success, The Bridge Building, Bos en Lommerplein 270-300

Apply via emily@rebelcontentcompany.nl 

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A Message to all Entrepreneurs Content Marketing is a Love Story

Sometimes you forget that all you want to do is get the attention of people, people just like you. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, email, telephone, meetings, flyers, billboards, the list of places to ‘meet’ another person are endless. You try to sell your service by telling them what you do, and how you can help. But is that really what they want to know?

P for Passion

People love to hear how you got to the place you are now. They want to learn from you. They want to be intrigued by the path you took, the knowledge you have, the passion you show. People just want to fall in love with the drive you have for what you do. It doesn’t matter what you do, stand behind a bar in a café or create events, books, websites, hairdo’s or whatever. If you can make them fall in love with you, they will want to work with you no matter what. That’s the strength of a small business owner, the person behind the service or product is the catch.

Give a Vision

All this passion must come from somewhere. Needless to say, that you have passion for what you do. However, this drive should have a direction. Where is it taking you? Even more important, where are you taking your clients and customers? That is the real question. If you have a vision, you can also envision how your clients will feel. This is what you can market. The future perspective of what they will feel down the road. Give them glimpses of what could be, sell your dream and they will want to know more.

The Relationship Strategy

Coming back to Marketing being a Love Story. What you are doing with your content and content marketing is a marathon. A consistent plan of endurance and trust. A strategy that will build your confidence, corporate story and also your relationship with (prospect) clients and customers. Just like a real relationship you need to create room to flow with each other and see where it will take you. You will receive feedback, input, fans and hopefully build a community of loving followers. So how do you set up a strong Online Identity? Check out The Relationship Strategy.

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An Event is Content

A gathering of badass girl bosses at an event called Table Stories Haarlem. The first in a series and probably many more to come. I was wondering after such a cool afternoon, how can you get more juice out of an event. How can you turn an event like that, into digital content?

Intention to Inspire Others

What made this meet-up special in the first place? July Adrichem and Lotte Herink decided they wanted to get some awesome people together (including me, thanks girls) and spread some well styled love, and they did. They intended to inspire us and share  ideas on conscious living. Not only concerning sustainability, but being conscious about connecting to the person next to you too. The whole setting, styling, location, ambiance and people made it a very powerful experience. Besides that, it was a great way to show their creative work. July is a stylist and Lotte a copywriter.

All Content is Not Gold

The event was an instant hit. But how can they turn all that gold into more content? Here are some suggestions to turn an event into a communication goldmine:

Thank you Tabel Stories and especially Lotte Herink (Confetti Today) for sharing your thoughts on life, conscious living, connecting and helping me to inspire others too.   

(Photography by Michel Boelens)

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Free Tips for Logo Lovers

Our client Out of Thin Air was in desperate need of a new website and logo. Founder Micha de Haan creates extraordinary experiences with balloons at festivals and events.

His own online presence needed a touch of colourful creativity too. Rebel Content Company loved helping him. We created a new logo and website to match. We interviewed Micha to get a good grip of where he wanted to go with his communication. The end result is a compelling website with bold visual experiences. Take a journey through his balloon world here: www.outofthinair.nl

Redesign a Logo

It’s always difficult to design a new or redesign an old logo. A logo is something close to your heart. It’s the embodiment of your work, maybe even your life’s work. So, you want to get it right. How do you start? Maybe it’s better to ask, how not to start.

content creator, copy, coaching, content, content marketing, copywriter, copy coach
Old Logo - Out of Thin Air
content creator, copy, coaching, content, content marketing, copywriter, copy coach
New Logo - Out of Thin Air

This is how we worked with Out of Thin Air. Maybe it can be useful for your future logo-inspirations:

The Brief

Out Of Thin Air has a very broad DNA which made the creative process not very easy, however I think we aced it. DNA: Music, Northern Lights, Balloons, Atmosphere and Creativity

Logo created by GEO

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How to Kill Your Darlings

Why are you in your field of business? If you know why you are doing the job, and who you’re serving, it’s easier to make bold decisions. If you have a vision, you know which ideas to kill. Most creative people, all business owners are creative and have loads of ideas. With a vision you can move on and focus on the path. 

Your job can be something that clicks with your values and fills you with joy because you love what you do. However, why do you do it?Why are you taking that path? What is the big picture?

Communicate Your Purpose

To find out what your purpose is, you could try to ask yourself some out-of-the-box questions. Find out more about yourself so you know which ideas and insights you should say no to:

Kill or Keep

Write down the answers and keep them in the back of your mind for a few days, then address them again. I’d like to know if these questions have helped you make some bold choices?

Now you have the answers to set against all your darling ideas. And find out which you can kill and which you can keep.

As a certified coach I know the importance of clarity, direction and purpose. If you want to grow a strong Online Identity, start with asking why, instead of how.

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Letter Made with Love


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